Byte Deployer
Part of Byte Ecosystem

Byte Deployer
You May Quickly And Easily Produce Your Own Coins With Our Coin Generator On The Binance Networks & Ethereum.
Create A BEP20/ERC Token In Less Than A Minute With The Most Used Smart Contract Generator For Binance Smart Chain.
No Login. No Setup. No Coding Required.

Note: if you create token on tetsnet it will not be verified , please create token on mainnet to get contract verified.

Connect Wallet to get started. Enter name (upto 30 characters)

Enter symbol (upto 10 characters)

Enter the total supply that will be minted at the start (1-1000000000000000)

Enter the decimal precision (1-18). If you are unsure what it means, use 18


Tokens can be burned to decrease the supply

Tokens can be minted to increase the supply

A certain percentage of each transaction is burned / A certain percentage of each transaction is sent to an address of your choice

1% of each transaction is burnt | 0 equals no burn fee 4%

4% of each transaction is sent to the Tax Receiving Address | 0 equals no transaction tax

Holder Redistribution

A certain percentage of each transaction is redistributed to the holders proportional to the tokens they hold

5% of each transaction is redistributed to the holders proportional to the tokens they hold | 0 equals no holders reward fee
MetaMask is not installed
Please install MetaMask and use the browser within the app to create a token.
Insufficient Balance
Please transfer some BNB to your MetaMask account.
Token was successfully created!
Contract address:
Token on BSC-Scan:
Error: Please switch to a BSC-Network to create a token.
Error: Please switch to an Ethereum-Network to create a token.
Error: Please switch to a Fantom-Network to create a token.
Error: Please switch to a Polygon-Network to create a token.
Error: Creation of token was not sucessfull.